Monday, March 21, 2022

"Goodnight and Good Luck" Movie Review


    Goodnight, and Good Luck is a very eye-opening movie. Although it is a fictional portrayal of the media industry. There was a lot to dissect and digest from the movie that we can currently apply to our world now. This film analyzed how powerful the media is and how to can be used for one's personal and political game. Murrow, one of the reporters, wanted to report on the truth to expose the truth on senator McCarthy. As a journalist, it is important to be honest with the audience so you can build a trusting relationship. 

Throughout the movie, I pulled away key concepts that we still apply to media today. 

1. Media has a strong influence on how we make our decisions. 

We tend to have a certain preference on what media outlets we have access to or choose from. Based off of that, it is easy to make decisions based off of what you are watching. 

2. We need to allow and force ourselves to figure out what media outlets are reliable or not 

Within news today, although it is essential to get the news out to the catered audience, we tend to allow immediacy trump accuracy. 

3. Trust goes along way

Once a journalist builds trust with its audience, it allows for an easier following.

I've never heard of this movie before this class, yet, I am very glad we were able to watch it. It showed that some things definitely didn't change within the media industry and we still have a long way to go. 

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