Saturday, May 7, 2022

Never Stay Silent and Media Law and Ethics Review


During my spring semester as an sophomore, I had the opportunity to take Never Stay Silent and Media Law and Ethics with Professor Dean Smith. I have had Prof. Smith before with Media Law and Literacy. I enjoy his teaching style and I love how he values and teaches his students about the importance of the First Amendment. 

In Never Stay Silent, we were able to dissect different journalistic heroes and learn about the timeline of the journalism era. I valued this dissection because it put me out of my comfort zone learning about people and things that I normally wouldn't read about in my free time. I am forever grateful for Prof. Smith for pushing me out of my comfort zone during this class. 

Media Law and Ethics was another class that pushed me out of my comfort zone. Media Law and Ethics was similar to Media Law and Literacy, yet it was definitely more academically heightening. Media Law and Ethics is usually a class for seniors, yet I was able to take this class as a sophomore. I remember the first day of the class, I asked Professor Smith if it was okay if I was in the class. He was confident in my abilities for the class. Although I wish I did better on the quizzes of this class, I appreciate learning more about important court cases regarding my major. 

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