Friday, April 15, 2022

In Class Video Reaction

In Media Law and Literacy, we watched the video of the murder of the two Reuter employees. I did a similar blog post:

However, we watched it again during Never Stay Silent. I had a similar reaction the the disturbing video. The main thing that stood out to me this time was the reaction of the U.S troops trying to kill the Reuter employees. The racial slurs turned my stomach as our troops are supposed to protect and serve our country being discriminatory as well. 

Back in Media Law and Literacy, we talked about how Julian Assange made it possible for the video to come to light with the website: wikileaks. I wanted to focus on where Julian Assange is now. Julian Assange is still in maximum security jail in London. Within three weeks ago, Assange actually got married in jail. He got married to his long term lover, Stella Morris. Their ceremony took place outside of the jail.

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