Friday, April 15, 2022

What I Learned EOTO #3

 Citizen Journalism 

Darnella Frazier is the prime example of citizen journalism in this day in age. Darnella Frazier, 17 at the time, filmed George Floyd's murder. The impact it had on her personally skyrocketed to a national issue of police brutality.

Citizen journalism is conducted by people who are not professional journalists however they use the tools that are accessible to them.

Citizen journalism has been around for awhile, however, the prime example of the century was by far Darnella Frazier. 

Without her video, America wouldn't have confirmed the strong prevalence of police brutality. The police officers who are supposed to be protected all in the country continuously target black men. However, Frazier's efforts of citizen journalism have given the officers who murdered George Floyd punishments and even maybe slightly provided some closure for Floyd's family. 

With our society being so society heavy, we should all be apart of it. The saying see something say something now should be turned into see something, say something, film something, and post something. By doing this, we might bringing a lot of things to light and highlighting more things that need to be brought to light more.

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